Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chapter 5 – Double Trouble

Time passed so quickly in the Sterling household. Both Lucian and Daphne where getting so big. Lucian had got on the honor roll and Daphne could walk, talk and use the potty. Life was all good, especially since Luxor had yet to return.

It was soon time for Daphne’s birthday and Kisha baked her a special cake to celebrate. It was only Daphne and Kisha though, Lucian was still mad at the both of them.
(Daphne gained the Never-Nude trait)

It wasn’t long after the cake was sliced and Kisha started to take her first bite when a nauseous feeling erupted inside her sending her in a hurry into the bathroom.
Lucian and Daphne did finally start getting along at least in the since that they could be in the same room with each other. Daphne, like her older brother Lucian, really liked playing in the bathroom. She would dress up like a princess and follow Lucian in the bathroom where he went to play with Pal. Kisha never understood why her children wanted to be in the bathroom all the time.
Time passed on and it took no time for her belly to protrude and the fact could no longer be regarded as false, she was for sure pregnant. Pregnant with a baby she didn’t feel right having.
Not much happened during this pregnancy, Lucian and Daphne went to school and spend most of their time in the bathroom playing with their odd dolls. Kisha spent most of her time getting ready for the new baby. She seemed to be bigger this time around but she just figured the baby was huge the thought of having multiples never crossed her mind.

The day Lucian finally became an adult finally came so Kisha made his f
d between the two of them. Lucian stepped up to the cake and paused before blowing out the candles.

“I wish to make Pal real to show mom I’m not crazy,” Lucian said under his breath as he went to blow out his candles.
As Lucian aged into a teen, Kisha felt a very familiar pain in her stomach. She had go into labor once again.
(Lucian gained the Coward trait)

When Lucian saw that his mother was in labor he just left the room. He hated that he was going to have another sibling he wanted nothing to do with it. Lucian went outside to occupy his time till the new member of the family was born.  Kisha stood in the kitchen all alone as she kept calm threw the labor awaiting the arrival of her new child. The first child came pretty quickly, it was a little girl with dark brown hair that she named Felicity. With a sigh of relief Kisha started to head from the kitchen with Felicity in tow when the pain started again. It couldn’t be, but it was, twins!
Felicity Sterling (Happy Girl) Brave, Good
Fleur Sterling (Flower) Friendly, Loves the Outdoors

While standing outside alone, Lucian took Pal out and set him on the ground. 

“I knew my wish wouldn’t come true.” Lucian said with a sigh then kicked Pal over. “Stupid doll.”

Lucian turned to go inside when a purple flame caught his attention. He turned to see it Pal was engulfed in the purple flame. All Lucian could do was staring at the flame and watch his doll grow and change into a dark skin blue haired teen. 

“Hello Lucian” The teen said and Lucian just stood there with his mouth wide open.
Back inside Daphne was terrorizing the dining room with the idea she was a queen. It was turning out that she was very much like her brother, too bad he couldn’t see that she looked up to him.
She played awhile in the dining room before she headed outside where she found a raccoon. Daphne, being who she was wanted to play with it. 

“Come here kitty. You are just like the ones I have here. I love kitties!” Daphne said to the raccoon who just looked at her. Daphne bent down and put her hand out to pet it. “Come kitty I won’t hurt you.” Daphne had almost put her hand on it when it reached out with its paw and stratched her. Daphne jumped back pulling her hand to her chest. “Bad kitty, get out of here!” Daphne yelled picking up a rock and throwing it at the raccoon. “I don’t like you!” The raccoon took off and Daphne ran inside to tell her mother.
Time passed rather quickly for this happy family. Kisha had took to being the mother of twins well along with having adopted Pal. Kisha spent a lot of time with her ever growing family has the holiday season rapidly aproched. 

It was Christmas Eve and the house had been all decorated for the event.
Kisha had instructed all her children to dress in their very best outfits for a family photo. It was easier said than done in the case of Daphne who wanted to wear her swimsuit. It took a while to convince her to wear her Christmas dress. Once everyone was dressed they all went and stood next to the tree. Pal held Felicity and Lucian, who was finally warming up to having siblings, held Fleur while Daphne and Kisha stood next to them. With the camera set to go off they all squeezed together for their first family photo.
After the pictures were taken Kisha started handing out gifts, she didn’t have much money so she got each child one gift each. Kisha pulled out the twins toys first, a tiger stuffed, the girls took to them quick chewing on the ears. Next up with Daphne, with a sigh Kisha gave her strangest child her present.

“I hope you like it Daphne.” Kisha said as she held it out to Daphne.

“Is it garbage?!? Oh it would be so GREAT if it was! I could make so many new toys out of it!” Daphne said taking the gift and shaking it. Kisha shook her head as she watched Daphne play with the wrapped box.
Kisha left Daphne to play with her box and took Pal a gift. “I hope you like it Pal, I really didn’t know what to get you. If you don’t like it I’ll take it back and get you something new.”

“Thanks, Kisha, I’m sure I will love it.” Pal said taking the gift and slowly unwrapping it to find a football. Pal looked at the gift then up to Kisha. “I love it.” He lied as he walked away to go play with Felicity.
Kisha looked around for her first born and he was no where to be seen and neither was Fleur. Kisha knew that Lucian had taken a real liking to Fleur and knew that they would be together. She headed upstairs and into the nursuary where she found Lucian and Fleur playing with her new tiger. 

“Excuse me, Lucian, I have something for you too.” Kisha said looking down at her two children sitting on the ground playing.

“I don’t want it you can give it to someone else.” Lucian didn’t even turn and look at his mother he just pulled Fleur into his lap and held her tight. “Just leave us be, please.” He said kissing the top of his sister’s head.

“Lucian please just open the present you will love it. I got it just for you, baby boy.” Kisha stepped forward bending down she put the present down next to him. “Please Lucian.” Kisha kissed the top of her son’s head and whispered. “I love you my Lucian.” She stood back up and slowly walked towards the door. 

Lucian turned his head to look at the gift with tears in his eyes. He placed Fleur on the ground and stood up and ran to his mother. “Mom I’m sorry. I love you so much. I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble. I just didn’t like being the only boy in the house or having a weird sister like Daphne.”

Kisha pulled him into a hug and held him tight. “It is ok Lucian. I understand.”

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